<aside> ✈️ “회사생활의 첫 시작… 면접부터 걱정이다.” 커리어의 성장과 영어의 성장 - @work 만의 스토리가 있는 커리큘럼으로 공부하세요!


Unit 1. 면접부터 입사까지

Day Topic Example
Day 1 면접 일정을 잡아라 Thursday would work well for me next week.
Day 2 나의 강점을 어필하자 I am an extremely fast learner.
Day 3 지원 사유 말하기 I want to attain personal growth and contribute to your company’s success.
Day 4 출근 첫 날, 회사 안내 받기 Would it be possible to get a company ID card first?
Day 5 깔끔한 인사로 좋은 첫인상을 남기자 I look forward to working with you all.

Unit 2. 일정 조율 제대로 하려면?

Day Topic Example
Day 6 매너있게 일정 잡기 If you let me know a few potential dates, I can find a slot for us.
Day 7 다른 날짜를 제안하기 I don't suppose Friday afternoon could work for you?
Day 8 업무용 캘린더 공유하기 What day of the week did you say the project strategy meeting was?
Day 9 화상회의 제안하기 Our team leader is working from home this week, so it would have to be a video meeting.
Day 10 회의를 다른 날짜로 변경하기 Wednesday is difficult but Friday would be possible.

Unit 3. 업무상 전화는 이렇게!

Day Topic Example
Day 11 다른 사람 전화 대신 받아주기 When Jena comes back, I'll pass that on to her.
Day 12 숫자 많은 통화에서 살아남기 I don’t suppose you could leave this as a comment on the file and send it to me?
Day 13 지금은 통화가 어렵다고 말하기 I’m so sorry, but do you mind if I give you a call back in an hour?
Day 14 해외 고객사와 첫 통화하기 We’ve sent several emails back and forth, but this is my first time saying hello over the phone.
Day 15 안 들리는 통화에 대처하기 I didn’t catch what you said earlier. I’m afraid the phone connection wasn’t very good.

Unit 4. 자료 발송 & 더블 체크!

Day Topic Example
Day 16 보낸 자료를 또 요청 받았을 때 Please take a look at the attached file.
Day 17 더블체크했다고 말하기 I’ve been through everything and had it examined by the legal team.
Day 18 보낸 자료 받았는지 확인하기 I sent you an email with the estimate you requested and I was calling to check if you had received it.
Day 19 작성한 자료를 당당하게 보내기 It wasn't easy, but I tried to be as meticulous as I could be.
Day 20 파일 첨부를 깜빡했을 때 Please feel free to disregard my previous email.

Unit 5. 오 수정, 오 수정!

Day Topic Example
Day 21 컨펌&수정에 대해 말하기 The basic content is all done, but our team leader still needs to check over the figures.
Day 22 수정 요청 때문에 화날 때 We told you last time that we wouldn't accept any more requests for alterations.
Day 23 갑작스러운 수정 때문에 야근할 때 She keeps asking me to do things when I'm just about to leave.
Day 24 수정&리뷰 요청하기 Please take a look and let me know what changes you would like me to make.
Day 25 피드백에 따라 수정하기 When would you like me to get the new version done by?

Unit 6. 미뤄야 하는 순간

Day Topic Example
Day 26 회의 끝나는 시간 미루기 We just need five more minutes and then we'll be done.
Day 27 내가 결정권자가 아니라고 미루기 I'm not the one who can make the final decision.
Day 28 미팅 일정 미루기 I should be able to get it to you by the day after tomorrow.
Day 29 미팅 도착 시간 미루기 We'll go and get your coffees on the way.
Day 30 담당자가 아니라고 말하기 I'm not the person in charge of that.

Unit 7. 회의 전후 살아남기

Day Topic Example
Day 31 갑자기 회의에 불려갈 때 I'll bring my notebook in case I need to write anything down.
Day 32 회의 참석자가 도착했다고 알리기 They say that there's someone at the front desk who is here for the meeting with our department.
Day 33 손님을 회의실로 안내하기 It can’t have been fun getting here in such hot weather.
Day 34 회의 참석자 배웅하기 A taxi would be better than taking public transport.
Day 35 화상회의 시작하기 On the agenda for today's meeting is an introduction to the new security system.

Unit 8. 휴가 & 회사 정책 Talk

Day Topic Example
Day 36 유연 근무제에 대해 말하기 I decided to start work at 11AM from this month onwards.
Day 37 갑자기 휴가를 신청해야 할 때 I'm going to need to take the day off today.
Day 38 남은 휴가일수가 알고 싶을 때 I'd like to check how many vacation days I have left this year.
Day 39 병가를 신청해야 할 때 I've been involved in a traffic accident and my medical certificate says that I need to stay in the hospital for two weeks.
Day 40 자가평가가 고민될 때 I think I've worked pretty hard towards the end of the year.

Unit 9. 칭찬과 뒷담화 그 사이

Day Topic Example
Day 41 옷차림을 칭찬 받았을 때 I've actually got a date today, so I did put some thought into it.
Day 42 다른 사람을 칭찬하고 싶을 때 I heard you were a total ace at the sports day.
Day 43 상사와의 점심이 부담스러울 때 Our manager keeps suggesting we all eat lunch together, and I don't know what to do.
Day 44 독촉하는 팀장님이 원망스러울 때 Sometimes it's like he's even forgotten what he asked me for.
Day 45 잘난 척하는 동료가 짜증날 때 No matter what we're talking about, he pretends he's an expert even though he doesn't know a thing.

Unit 10. 흔한 직장동료와의 대화.txt