<aside> ✈️ “나도 이제 승진하고 싶다고!” 커리어의 성장과 영어의 성장 - @work 만의 스토리가 있는 커리큘럼으로 공부하세요!


Unit 1. 경력직답게 이직하기

Day Topic Example
Day 1 이력서, 커버레터 검토를 부탁해 보자 I'm the type to follow through with what I say.
Day 2 나를 꼭 뽑아야 하는 이유를 어필하자 I feel that my experience is a perfect match for this role.
Day 3 프로젝트 성공 경험에 대해 말하기 I acted as a communicator, assisting everyone so that they could respect each other's cultural differences and compromise with their opinions.
Day 4 나의 리더십에 대해 말하기 I monitored all situations very closely and worked tirelessly to motivate everyone.
Day 5 출근 날짜 조율하기 If I give my two weeks’ notice this week, I should be able to start by the beginning of next month.

Unit 2. 이직 후 적응도 자연스럽게!

Day Topic Example
Day 6 여가에 대해 말하며 친해지기 I like to binge-watch dramas or go on gastroventures.
Day 7 회의에서 인사하기 I've joined the project midway, so I'll be attending many meetings to get up to speed.
Day 8 새로운 팀에 대해 이야기하기 It's a bit tough because I don't know the background to the project.
Day 9 이직 후 근황 질문에 답하기 There are pros and cons.
Day 10 빠른 적응의 비결에 대해 말하기 When I meet anyone for the first time, I always start by learning their name.

Unit 3. 다양한 일정 관리 상황에 유연하게 대응하기

Day Topic Example
Day 11 회의에 못 들어간다고 말하기 Something has just come up, so I don't think I'll be able to join the marketing meeting this afternoon.
Day 12 컨퍼런스 콜 일정 잡기 I think we're going to have to work around them for the time being.
Day 13 회의록 보내기 I'll organize the meeting minutes and share them via email. If you have any thoughts please send me a reply.
Day 14 프로젝트 진행 확인하기 Has it been completely confirmed?
Day 15 외근에 대해 말하기 I'm out of office today, so we can take our time.

Unit 4. 최종_최최종_final_팀장님 승인.pptx

Day Topic Example
Day 16 디자인 수정 요청에 대응하기 If you let me know specifically which aspects you'd like to alter, I'll discuss them with the design team.
Day 17 요구사항이 실무와 맞지 않다고 말하기 There are areas that are out of step with the current market or business practices.
Day 18 퇴근 이후 수정 요청에 대처하기 I'm supposed to have left work already.
Day 19 갑자기 들어온 요구사항에 대응하기 It may be tricky for us to get it done in a day or two.
Day 20 더 이상의 수정은 안 된다고 말하기 Further requests for changes at this point will set the whole project back.

Unit 5. 인생 길다, 오늘만 날이냐?

Day Topic Example
Day 21 점심 먹고 하자고 말하기 Shall we go and have lunch and then chat about the rest afterwards?
Day 22 프로젝트 전체 일정이 미뤄질 거라고 말하기 They've requested so many features that it's too much to do within our current schedule.
Day 23 결론까지는 갈 길이 멀다고 말하기 Though there's been some progress since last week, it seems we've got a long way to go to come to a conclusion.
Day 24 타부서 핑계대며 한 데까지만 보내기 There are differences of opinion with other departments about the schedule.
Day 25 공급업체 때문에 미뤄졌다고 말하기 We built some flexibility into the production schedule, but unexpected issues have cropped up on the supplier's side.

Unit 6. 스무스하게 회의를 운영해보자

Day Topic Example
Day 26 멋지게 회의를 시작하자 As we can only use the meeting room till 4PM, I'd be grateful if we could do our best to finish up our discussions before then.
Day 27 서로 입장을 정리할 시간을 주자 How about (if) each team takes some time to explain their position, and then both try and meet each other halfway?
Day 28 양쪽 입장을 듣고 중재해보자 Might it be manageable if we reduced the requests somewhat?
Day 29 회의 중간에 질문을 받아 보자 If there's anything you're curious about up to this point, or if there's anything you don't understand, please ask.
Day 30 깔끔하고 자신감 넘치는 회의 마무리 I know you're all very busy, so thank you all for taking the time to participate.

Unit 7. 회의에서 나의 의견을 펼쳐보자

Day Topic Example
Day 31 당당하게 나의 의견을 말하기 Rather than using conventional marketing channels or advertisements, I think it is important to strengthen our presence on social media channels.
Day 32 다른 사람 의견에 반대하기 I think most people are over and done with online marketing tactics.
Day 33 말 끊는 사람에게 대처하기 Due to time restraints, how about I finish telling you about my proposal before receiving any questions or comments?
Day 34 주제를 벗어난 발언에 대응하기 I don't think that has anything to do with what we are discussing here today. Why don't we come to that later?
Day 35 디테일을 요구하기 Can you elaborate on that a little more?

Unit 8. 따라만 하면 되는 발표

Day Topic Example
Day 36 착석하고 회의 시작하기 If you could all be seated, I would now like to begin the presentation.
Day 37 발표 내용 소개하기 There are three parts to my presentation. Firstly, the venue and layout suggestions. Second, the sequence of events and finally the R&R of people responsible for the events.
Day 38 다음 내용으로 넘어가기 Now that we've gone over the sequence of events. I'd like to now go over the R&R of the people in charge.
Day 39 다른 사람의 의견 청하기 Why don't we hear from the rest of the group as well?
Day 40 마무리하며 질문 받기 With that, I would like to end my presentation today. Do you have any questions or comments?

Unit 9. 다양한 상황에서 이메일로 대처하기

Day Topic Example
Day 41 정보 요청하는 메일 쓰기 We were referred to your agency by one of our affiliated companies, and we are contacting you today to receive further information about your services and prices.
Day 42 미팅 일정 잡는 메일 쓰기 Please kindly confirm your availability and preference if you'd like to change the time or location.
Day 43 컴플레인하는 메일 쓰기 I contacted the delivery company for tracking on October 24th, but they could not provide me with any tracking information.
Day 44 사과하는 메일 쓰기 After an in-depth discussion with my team, we’ve realized that we’re responsible for these issues.
Day 45 감사하는 메일 쓰기 We are incredibly grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you.

Unit 10. 해외 출장 & 주재원 라이프